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100 Words - YR2 December 2nd - Transmitting Truth

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100 Words | Daily Devotional

100 Words - YR2 December 1st - Words of Truth

2m 0s

Up Next in Year 2 | December

  • 100 Words - YR2 December 2nd - Transm...

    Key Verse: Proverbs 23:23
    Buy the truth, and do not sell it, also wisdom and instruction and understanding.

    Jerome (347-420 AD), who is depicted in the statue above, invested most of his life in producing the first complete translation into Latin from the original languages of Hebrew and Gree...

  • 100 Words - YR2 December 3rd - Fret Not

    Key Verses: Proverbs 24:3-4
    Through wisdom a house is built,
    And by understanding it is established;
    By knowledge the rooms are filled
    With all precious and pleasant riches.

    The repetition of the word “lips” stands out in today’s reading. We may have heard the saying, “Loose lips sink ships.”...

  • 100 Words - YR 2 December 4 - Apples ...

    Key Verses: Proverbs 25:21-22
    If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat;
    And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink;
    For so you will heap coals of fire on his head,
    And the Lord will reward you.

    Jesus said, “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then...